News — giverney
Fall Into Sewing Blog Tour Day Five
adult blazer blog tour Collared Shirt Dress Discount double tak tank double take tank dress fall girl girsl giverney hack layers phresh sale self care self care sewing sew Sewing for Women stitch my fix store news Tank Dress tutorial women women's Women's Pattern woven
Welcome back to the Last day of our Fall Into Sewing Blog Tour!!!! Today we have two fabulous bloggers sharing their incredible creations. First up, we have Laurie of The Bear and the Pea Atelier - you might remember that she sewed up a Phresh Blazer and Phresh Jeggings earlier in the week for a Pin-spired look that was amazing. Well today, she is sharing her latest make - the Collared Shirt Dress for Kids, this black and white version is to die for, and it pairs perfectly with that incredible Blazer!!!! Head on over to her blog to see...